Just got back from picking Hannah up from camp. I didn't work her week this year, so you guys are going to have to wait for the (throw away) camera pictures to be developed. They might actually be (throw away pictures). She had a great week and ended up with lots of awards! When we got home today, Hannah got a note from school with her teacher assignment. She got the mean old teacher and started crying. I pulled out my old yearbooks and showed her a couple teachers I had and lived through it to tell about it....Ms. Erickson for one. She was at least a 100 years old.
I am 11 weeks pregnant and am due March 10th. I finally had an ultrasound done a couple of weeks ago. There's a heart beat! All I said to the lady is, "there's only one...right"? I was already thinking of starting my own reality show if there was more than one. I could quit working, get some free plastic surgery and D could get some hair plugs. What is the harm in that?
Journaling 12/8/24
2 months ago