As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord..
Joshua 24:15

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More pictures!

I feel like Derek threw me under the bus when he sent a mass email of a picture of our family after I had her. It was so unflattering that I could of killed him. I told him that I was going to take a picture of him when I pick him up after his vasectomy on Friday and send out a mass email of him at his worst. Yes....D is getting snipped this Friday!

Here's my beauty. My horrible birthing experience will be saved for another blog. Please do not read it if you are pregnant with your first or trying to get pregnant.
Naomi's bili count is a little high, so we have to have her stuck again on Monday. I think she looks pretty good with a tan myself. I wish I were a little jaundiced right now.

12 hours old.

First bath at home.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Michelle! She is beautiful!

Amy Griffin said...

She is so beautiful! I hope 4 is an easy adjustment...Hannah looks like great help!...and good luck to big D!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! So happy to hear she's here safely. Sorry about a not-so-great birth experience! My last was the worst too, and probably the biggest reason we stopped at 3!

Owings Family said...

YEA! Naomi is absolutely precious!!! Congratulations! I wish we were closer too, but there's no way you're getting this southern belle up to NY. Too cold! :) So happy for all of you!

Karie said...

Congrats Garretts!!! Blessings on your new little one and family of 6!!