I started running again last week. I'm only doing 3 miles a day, but it feels good to exercise again. I always gain 50 pounds with each pregnancy, so I have to work extra hard to lose the weight. Nursing alone does not do the trick for me. I have to go back to work next week, which I am not looking forward to. I'm only going to do a couple 4 hour shifts to start with.
Hannah is playing soccer and fastpitch this Spring. Derek is the assistant coach for her soccer team. Ben and Eve are also playing soccer this Spring. They are all on different teams! Sooooo, Saturday is crazy! Hannah plays from 9:30-11:00 and then goes to her softball game. Eve plays from 10:30-12:00 and Ben from 1:00-2:30. We have games every night of the week except for Wednesday (Bible Study) and Friday nights (The night I will be working).
Derek is always busy with work, but has managed to get in a couple of rounds of golf when the weather was nice. Was is the key word. He is working with our friend Craig to build a deck out back. I'll post before and after pictures when they finish. He is also preaching this Sunday for Mother's Day! Well, that's about all I have for now.
Baby Naomi is SO precious and already looking so big. Miss you and hope to catch up with you soon. Looking forward to summer break? Tell all hi for us... J
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